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What is the cost of wisdom tooth extraction?

Wisdom teeth are called the third molar, which is formed at the back of the mouth. Wisdom tooth extraction might not be necessary for all wisdom teeth. Under the following conditions, the wisdom teeth are not necessary to remove:

cost of tooth extraction
  1. Wisdom teeth grown completely
  2. Teeth and patient is healthy
  3. Able to bite or chew the food properly without disturbance

But it is necessary to remove the wisdom teeth under certain conditions as that will cause severe damage to the jaws, gums, and roots of the teeth. The cost of tooth extraction varies according to its growing position.

Removal of Wisdom Tooth

For many people wisdom teeth grow improperly, that will cause severe dental problems. Erupting wisdom teeth will grow at different angles in the jaw will disturb the gums and neighbor teeth.

Few wisdom teeth grow partially and disturb the gums and teeth at the time of chew, talk, or bite. In those cases, it is hard to clean the wisdom tooth using a brush. It causes so much pain and gives way to the deposition of germs and bacteria.

For a few people, wisdom teeth start to grow by affecting the nearby teeth and grow with the crowd. It damages the root, gums, and nearby teeth, its bone, and gums. Under these scenarios, it is highly recommended to do wisdom tooth extraction.

Dentist recommendation on the removal of wisdom tooth

Dentists recommend the patients to remove the wisdom teeth if they don’t fully emerge. Wisdom teeth must be removed under conditions like pain, repeated infection in the same place or nearby teeth, gum disease, extensive tooth decay, etc. removal of wisdom will reap you major health benefits like protecting your teeth from further decay and allow your teeth look good.

They also recommend the youngsters for the removal of wisdom teeth at a younger age as before the roots and bones are fully formed. The cost of tooth extraction is probably less at a younger age and the recovery is much faster after surgery.

wisdom tooth extraction

Procedure for wisdom tooth extraction

Once the patient decides to remove the wisdom tooth, it is necessary to fix the appointment on a convenient date and time. The surgery takes at least 45 minutes to 60 minutes for the wisdom tooth extraction. To get relief from the pain the doctors use any one type of the following anesthesia.

General : The doctor injects drugs through the breathing gas in a mask or through the vein. The patient feels asleep throughout the surgery and feels comfortable and painless.

Local : Dr directly numbs in the mouth with shot local anesthetic medicines like novocaine, mepivacaine, lidocaine, etc. After tooth extraction, you feel normal in the anesthetic area, able to drive the vehicle to reach the home.

IV sedation : Few cases are major, that need a few hours for the removal of wisdom teeth. In those cases, IV sedation is injected into the patient to feel drowsy throughout the procedure and feel painless after surgery.

wisdom tooth extraction

Remember after surgery

After anesthesia, the doctor cuts the gums or bone to take out the teeth. After that, the doctor stitches the wounds that get healed and dissolve after a few days. The cost of a tooth extraction varies according to the tooth and health condition.

Everyone responds differently after the surgery. If the patient's case is normal and they use general anesthesia, they can self-drive and reach home safely. If the condition is abnormal or serious they can take someone along with them for surgery.

Proper cleaning and maintenance of wisdom tooth extraction will help for fast recovery. It is highly recommended to follow the doctor’s advice after surgery for fast recovery. For all the patients with wisdom, teeth issues need to contact us wisdom teeth Removal.

Simple tips for fast recovery

Dos :

  1.  Brush your teeth gently
  2.  Prefer to take fresh juice for the first 2 days
  3.  Use an ice pack for swelling or skin color changes
  4.  Do mouth exercise, gently open and close the jaw for few times
  5.  Eat soft foods, avoid biting bones, hard foods, etc.
  6.  Gargle the mouth once in 2 hours using saltwater for fast recovery

Don’ts :

  1. Don’t brush harshly.
  2. Gargle with hot water
  3. Avoid smoking until recovery.